Supertight LinkedIn

Digital Alchemy For The New Normal
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"Supertight is America's top LinkedIn thought leader"

According to Forbes

Don’t Settle For Less

  • Quality Over Quantity. 
  • Quality Over Everything.

–Most of us have been trained in the last two decades to evaluate the success of our strategies in terms of likes, followers, or connections.

But when you think of it, once we look past the number of likes, comments, engagement, re-shares, sales conversations, there is only one number that truly matters, and that is the number of highly satisfied, high paying clients.

Optimizing our LinkedIn presence and practice allows us to spend MOST of our time talking to the RIGHT people – those with “ATP” (Ability to Pay) and “ETP” (Eagerness to Pay).

Ellen Melko Moore

“An Elevator Pitch? Really? Son, when were you last in an elevator?” – Ellen Melko Moore

Named  “arguably America’s top LinkedIn thought leader” by Forbes,  we specialize in helping successful experts get the best, most lucrative, most desirable clients of their lives from LinkedIn.  


Who Are Our Clients?

  • 6-7 Figure digital marketing and sales experts looking to build presence in a next level market – who’ve outgrown working with “beginners.” 
  • Experienced business owners creating online coursework, group training, and exclusive masterminds.
  • Emerging entrepreneurs ready to become THE world class thought leader in their market.
  • Former corporate C-level executives stepping up on the world stage with their own brand of thought leadership. 
  • All of The Above, experts ready to MULTIPLY REVENUE (saving time, energy, and valuable, valuable sanity).


The Mind, Heart, and Stunning Success of the Modern Social Seller

The funny thing about the term “social selling” is that when done right, it is neither “social” (in the traditional sense of social media), nor is it “selling” (as many of us tend to think of that word). It is highly personal and value-driven. The 2024 social seller’s approach is not for everyone, particularly for B2B professionals who think mainly in terms of “numbers” and “saving time.”

Proven Success

The Numbers Don’t Lie

The true beauty of LinkedIn is the access to the most desirable and lucrative of clients.

These successful owners, founders, and thought leaders are not hanging out in Facebook Groups or fishing for clout on the ‘Gram.

They trust LinkedIn as THE professional B2B platform.

But there’s another secret about LinkedIn that most experts don’t know  …..



92% of Fortune 500 companies use LinkedIn.


90% of founders & leaders say LinkedIn is their most important B2B platform

Digital Alchemy

Business Consulting

Market Research